Team and Community
Fostering team spirit and collaboration: We at START Nuremberg unite
young talent to drive innovation and technology.
Join now

Board of Directors

Our five-member board works closely with each other on projects and events internally, as well as beyond Nuremberg with the chapters spread throughout Europe. Coming from different fields of expertise, they form the head of our organization and are the contact persons in all matters.
C.  Dietzel

Community &

F.  Steiner

Vice President
Partnerships & Events
L.  Twarloh
& Growth
K.  Bujak
& Branding
A.  Solonaru

Human Resources

Board of Directors

Our five-member board works closely with each other on projects and events internally, as well as beyond Nuremberg with the chapters spread throughout europe and latin america. Coming from different fields of expertise, they form the head of our organization and are the contact persons in all matters.
Chiara  Dietzel

& Communications
Felix Steiner
Vice President

Partnerships & Events
Lucas  Twarloh
& Growth
Kim  Bujak
& Branding
Andreea  Solonaru
Human Resources

Board of Advisors

Our former leaders lend us their eyes and ears so that we can 
benefit from their learnings and obtain constant feedback. Whether 
they are self-founded or employed - our exchange never stops.
C.  Knapp
J.  Gronau
J.  Ort
M. H. Tavangar
A.  Bennani

START Network

START has set itself the task of introducing students to the topic of entrepreneurship and giving them the opportunity to network and get to know the startup scene. Our initiative is not only known at the Nuremberg universities, but also benefits from the international network of START Global with over 16 Chapters in 11 countries.
Chiara  Dietzel
Hey you! I am your contact person for START Nuremberg. If you are a STARTie you can reach out to me directly via Slack. For everyone else just use the contact button below.

Board of Advisors

Our former leaders lend us their eyes and ears so that we can 
benefit from their learnings and obtain constant feedback. Whether 
they are self-founded or employed - our exchange never stops.
C.  Knapp
S. Seffo
M.  Almizel
J.  Gronau
A.  Pfeiffer-Ruiz
J.  Ort
A.  Welte
M. H. Tavangar
A.  Bennani

START Network

START has set itself the task of introducing students to the topic of entrepreneurship and giving them the opportunity to network and get to know the European startup scene. Our initiative is not only known at the Nuremberg universities, but also benefits from the international network of START Global with over nine European locations at leading universities.
C.  Dietzel
Hey you! I am your contact person for START Nuremberg. If you are a STARTie you can reach out to me directly via Slack. For everyone else just use the contact button below.